Altimeter Antenna


Altimeter Antenna

Frequency Range : 4200 MHz to 4400 MHz
Part Number : S67-2002
Flush Mounted Radio Altimeter Antenna

S67-2002: Flush mounted radio altimeter antenna designed to provide improved performance and reduced size and weight. Small size provides ease of mounting. Ideal for general aviation application.

NSN: 5985-01-229-5610

Federal & Military Certifications: FAA TSO C87, ARINC 707/552,
RTCA DO-160, MIL-E-5400, MIL-E-5272C

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S67-2002: Flush mounted radio altimeter antenna designed to provide improved performance and reduced size and weight. Small size provides ease of mounting. Ideal for general aviation application.

NSN: 5985-01-229-5610

Federal & Military Certifications: FAA TSO C87, ARINC 707/552,
RTCA DO-160, MIL-E-5400, MIL-E-5272C

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Outline Drawings